Friday, September 16, 2011

God Blessing of Your Goodwill

Only the the big noise which feel peaceful minimize x'self to take courage and strengthen to feel your  self confidence  which not confidence
One who is as real as minimizing will stir to enlarge upon x'self to minimize heart and weaken to feel self confidence others
 Hence the ill will don't behaviorally is little man
 Hope well. 

Grand Price For Anyone Who Do Kindliness is Kindliness

After certain age
 each and everyone have to own good clarification
 hitting your  life feebleness
 if your life wear away
 and the clarification why you let x'self
 left behind that way far
 if you lazy and fond of to delay
 Hence let us immediately
 action iota
 what the others feeling goodness
 and assisting it reach kindliness live
Grand Price For Anyone Who Do Kindliness is Kindliness.

That's God Moment Make Leader You

with coherence and speed work
 in a period to calm
 You'd become peaceful person
 and pacify in a period to
 what intrude and hung in the balance
 Hence live in discipline
 making You more able to
 Moment come a period to
 whereabout everybody
 muzziness and being lost
 You'd become indicator
 and making clear walke for humanity kindliness
 That'S God moment make leader You

You Which is Being Stretched Jumpy

 You wish definitive
 but ignore what having to you do
 and if you do even also, nothing;there is no guarantee
 your problem will not more deteriorate
 Hesitate or the confidence, sure or  not;
 but remain to do on intention improve;repair circumstance,
 remain to be best
 the moment try good,  more glory,
 than wrong because don’t  anything
 Bravery stand up for which dare to.

Life is Magical and Occult

Learn to be calmer
 and more calm
 This life is not ossify, solid, whoop it up
 and stir such as those which we see
 This life is magical and occult
 so that  not seen
 except by calm mind
 and inaudible
 except by calm heart
 What we see and hear around we this
 only the shadow and sesomnate
 from life which in fact
 Peace and calm
 That is the way of to reside in
 in apprehensive life.

Don't be Sorrowful of Your Day

Cause others deduction,
in consequence surely to delay
for better acceptance.
Look after patient of You
You don't fidget your night
because others treatment badness,
in consequence surely to draw near
with people who more heartfelt.
Enlarge your candidness
Its Real, you will going to
good life.

Praying for beatifull Day

Unlikely thou reach peacefulness
 and the life independence which you envision that
 if thou not yet become person
 what seen to full stay in this life
 Whether your face is blood stream hue
 what is clean and fresh
 whether your eyes sparkle for the purpose of clear
 what is  basted clear by rest which enough
 Whether voice, words, and your body is coherent
 and make haste in action
 Tonight, contemplate
 Whether you have full live?

For your which heart dwindle

 Cause others cruelty,
 hear this yes
 its true there will be one who have
 x'self to badness,
 Them found or restrained from
 only with God decision
And if you being found
 with virulent its true,
 bear with,
 give a smile in your sorrow,
 that  God decision
 to near by to kindliness
 what you ask from God

God us Which The most the Grand

 Real of uncomplaining us
 but to whom again this soul inform against
 its , otherwise to God
 don't know worn-out why once likely this heart
 and infinitesimal likely this x'self
 facing life absurdity
 what is like do not desist to laugh at
 our acrophobia
 enfold body which old progressively this
 cool jumpy and tense heart
 lull us in peacefulness
 and rouse us in saving


Action Now

Main road go to efficacy candidness to dowhat we can do ably there us and immediately possible
1. dont know compulsion closest to act
2. dont own ability anything
3. dont own time which  name now
 Hence, await what else
For the things recuring today the year, safe yes?
 Hopefully You always the health, peaceful, and sharing of  both for humanity bliss

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Choice to be happy 3

Assisting Humanity

 If You wish short cut go to bliss. You can assist whom even also which You wish, only conduct action giving you bliss and come from heart. Whether You chosen to assist motherless children, homeless, parent, pauper, ill people, or the wild animal or proximate anything with You. Even if You not yet ready for commit, hence give kindliness whereabout even also You see is needed. Giving to smile and the praise dont only the way of nicely to start, but beautiful habit to enter kindliness circle. Kindliness sometime without expense of something and can bring a lot of gladness;joy. If You see somebody which seems a few less be happy, only give them of wide smile. Which can make the more amount difference in day of somebody from which You conceive. Your do it and Your words have to always come from Your heart.

Choice to be happy 2

Accepting Ownself

 Learn to accept and love ownself with all good quality and Your mistake. Your Selfregard is not defined by how many times You have sink or swim or by how many money which You own. Nor determined by, who You know, what You do or like what You  seen. Your Value determined by what there at heart. You perfection very similar to You. No more which Your need do besides holding principal firmness of sincerity and truth in order to become competent to be loved.

Choice to be happy


 Forgiving is not present which You pass to others, that is present which You pass to ownself. Don't base on past, discharging pain so that You earn happier life and live more gratify. Vindictive saving to others will not assist and ruined of social with others, that only harm You. This kill time and energi which in fact You can pour for something that more useful in life You. Even so we see incompatible seems to one who  injured to have to forgive and forget it off hand, but make itch become wisdom and become happy. Always remember to forgive ownself also.